Hope you are all coping with lockdown and staying sane without the footy on the TV or with the Raiders. A few months ago it would have been hard to believe that we would be in this situation. Nonetheless, be resilient and care for each other. But most of all care for your own selves and take advantage of this situation to get back to some basics.
From recent discussions with Corey from the football commission, I am now in a position where I can impart some information with respect to what the future might look like at this stage. Realistically, the most likely scenario is that there will still be a footy season which will start later than usual, and be reduced. When we can commence, and for how long the season will run for, cannot be determined at this stage. If it can be arranged, the season might finish 30th October with an anticipated July/August recommencement. A refund of a portion of the fees is also most likely, but how much is still too early to call.
I urge you all to be patient and not lose the desire to play footy this season. Stay active as much as you can and keep the faith.
On another serious note, I have delivered my presentation to the Town of Victoria Park and would like to share it with you. Both the slideshow (using the 4-slide template provided by them) and the script for the online presentation (delivered Wednesday 15th April) can be downloaded and reviewed. The document contains exactly the same words that I used verbatim. The stakes are high and I urge you all to read the presentation to understand exactly what those stakes are.
Thanks and enjoy the experience of life (without footy) in this time of lockdown.